Horse Fencing

There are a number of fence types on the market; but electric fencing is the best solution for managing horses on farmsteads.

For livestock owners looking for a reliable fence for horses, consider installing electric horse fencing from ElectricFenceCo. The horse fence can be built using a strong braided rope or woven poly tape. Once the fence is installed, it will protect the horses from predatory encounters with wildlife and serve as a security system for the pasture.  

Horse fencing works the same as an electric deer fence: By transmitting a sudden jolt through the body alerting horses not to proceed with their plans of escape. 

"It's a psychological barrier: the animal associates that electrical stimulation with the fence, and, therefore, does not cross it," says Ben Beale, MS, extension agent at the University of Maryland Cooperative Extension in Leonardtown, Md.

The recommended voltage for electric fence on horses ranges from 2000-3000V, much lighter than for deer and elk. 

For pasture management with horses on the scene, choose to contain horses safely with horse fencing from the ElectricFenceCo.
